Results 51 issues of DB9

![Screenshot_20220324-123413~3](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/82726385/159903976-f513de89-5e06-46d9-929e-42b2969517d5.jpg) When u hide post types, flairs, awards and so - there still is NSFW label taking precious screen space. How to hide that? Also for post headers, req: separate...

Type: Enhancement

REQ: video quality settings for min and max video sizes, prefer lower quality initially for faster cards/gallery loading

Type: Enhancement

REQ: filtering options: add include subreddits (and users) - not only exclude available. I want to turn off some subreddits from user profile pages such as posts (submitted) and comments,...

Type: Enhancement

pholder.com is a very good Reddit back-mirror, it hosts current content from REddit but also content that has been removed. could pholder.com be integrated to Reddit downloader? urls on pholder.com...

Bug: Does not fetch images from link on pholder.com (reddit mirror) example: pholder.com/u/username and submitted images/videos hosted on another site such as imgur.com

type: bug

Some of the old extension(s) for old interface had this feature as an option, but since removed from Chrome Extension web store. Redirect/land user profile url clicks such as https://.twitter.com/username/...

Show media thumbnails column/gallery on right side of page. More media thumbs than the default 6? This is an old extension that worked in old Twitter https://www.crx4chrome.com/extensions/pojmegjgdchmaklfgmcgkhgdgjchidac/#description ![pojmegjgdchmaklfgmcgkhgdgjchidac-screenshot(1).jpg](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/82726385/167023335-2a667388-37e1-47ab-9256-ad8ef3f17514.jpg) _(Or such...

**TNT options pop-up modal doesn't allow to change selection menu items with touch screen** radio buttons can be selected and unselected also titles expand if so. But selection menus doesn't...


Option to disable gif posts If possible show those gif posts where gif is original content.