
Results 26 issues of D1mon

``` {% extends "base.html" %} {% load static %} {% load cache %} {% block content %} {% cache 500 product_list %} {% for product in object_list %} {{ product.title...

2 errors: not working in working tmux looks different from the picture https://www.dropbox.com/s/8imwet5c3ct4c56/2020-07-25%2013-36-25.mkv?dl=0

I have a slightly strange proposal. I would like to add the following functions to the program: Screen Ruler (Pixel Ruler), Screen Magnifier, Whiteboard.

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curson on `code ...` ``` Profile::Profile(Private::Profile *impl, Private::Path *path) { code ... } ``` press `c1p` => change 1 parameter press `c2p` => change 2 parameter press `cp` jump into...

cursor on `"text"` `` press `daa` => delete attribute will look like this: ``

1) ``` var myObj = { myMethod: function(params) { // ...do something } }; ``` key => myMethod, value => ``` function(params) { // ...do something } ``` curson inside...

Add files in "Staging area" then "open_stay". In console this command like: mpv video1.mp4 video2.mp4


Catalog 1: -- nested catalog 1 -- nested catalog 2 -- ... Catalog 2: -- nested catalog 1 -- nested catalog 2 -- ... ...