Quick update to make myself a bit more clear. childWordPressAcfDetails has a repeater --> adv_fields childWordPressAcfProductDetails suppose to have a repeater --> lijst (but won't show)
> Same here! Repeater is not showing up in graphql list.. other fields are working fine.. I found the problem. WP some how doesn’t update the ACF.json file. To fix...
Same problem ... Looks like the inline fragmentation is killing it `// hmm back-ticks ruin the format... ` `` const QUERY_POST_BY_ID = gql` query QUERY_POST_BY_ID($ID: ID!) { post(id: $ID) {...
**update:** When creating queries from http://localhost:8000/___graphql it doesn't work, but creating the queries using the WP GraphiQL plugin does work. There is a small difference (I don't know why both...
Same problem. Repo is probably dead. Decided to create my own instead.