
Results 11 comments of 易翰

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smartqq腾讯已经不维护了 你可以试试另一种稳定的方式 https://github.com/shiyafeng/foolqq

用过酷Q 经常掉线 可能是被封了


https://github.com/shiyafeng/foolqq 试试这个 smartQQ太不稳定了

I try to run it with the follow code ``` UIAutomation automation = UIAutomation.getInstance(); AutomationApplication application = automation.launchOrAttach("notepad.exe"); application.waitForInputIdle(5000); AutomationWindow window = automation.getDesktopWindow("Untitled - Notepad"); ``` But when I run...

WinNT.HRESULT result0 = uRoot.QueryInterface(new Guid.REFIID(IUIAutomationElement3.IID), pRoot); this function return -2147467262