
Results 12 issues of CyberPunk

This doesn't fetch the best quality video source, it simply grabs the first one from the combined (video/audio) list returned. You need to sort through the combined results, compare the...

One of the issues I have just ran into, is using Yii2 to create a REST API. The official docs lack in this area (and many others). It takes into...

## Issue: This doesn't work with the latest FontAwesome v5 icons because a lot of the icons don't start with `fa fa-xxx`. Some start with `fab` or `fas`. Here are...

Just pinning an issue for a potential future enhancement. I know you have some things you are working on. Since AdminLTE is used for both user and admin dashboards, it...


The interactive installer should also assist with installing the additional items: auth_views, basic_views, basic_routes, main_views


The docs (installation instructions) for this package do not reflect Laravel 8. `laravel/ui` is a legacy package and you should use something like Laravel Breeze. Most likely, in the near...


I am not sure if it is just me, or if it is a bug. Gii is generating files with 666 permission and directories with 777. I noticed in the...

status:ready for adoption

I just wasted quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to get phpcs to recognize a new custom standard. There is a lot of information/documentation so I...

Type: documentation

The "Server Side Setup" could use a bit more information about `$rootView` and the app layout path handling. Inertia does not expect `app.blade.php` to be in the `resources/views/layouts` directory. It...

I noticed the keyboard shortcut no longer works. I had an Atom update, so I updated it, restarted, uninstalled color-picker, re-installed color-picker, still doesn't work. As of a couple atom...