In 'lib/core/workspace_load.m' forked from vot-toolkit, the 'varargin' params, often used as 'variable length input argument list', should be added in input argument list, i.e., 'function [sequences, experiments] = workspace_load(pwd, varargin)'....
I try to run the training code for vid_R_50_C4_MEGA_1x.yaml. When i set SOLVER.TEST_PERIOD to a number > 0, then the error occurs :
`grid = F.pad(grid, (1, 0), value = 0.)` may be right since the property of `grid_sample`.
Have the authors tried other combination of loss functions, e.g., CE + DICE and Focal + DICE, rather than CrossEntropy (CE) ? Does the simple application of CrossEntropy (CE) in...
In this repos, the class label 0 of background is set to 255, as the same as the ignoring label of padding area. Since I'm a greenhorn to RGBD segmentation,...
Call for FLIR annotations used in ProbEN.