After expanding a bracket by pressing enter (like {), if i input a closing bracket, it wont remove the bracket auto created by the plugin. I use neovim 4.3, but...
After expanding a bracket by pressing enter (like {), if i input a closing bracket, it wont remove the bracket auto created by the plugin. I set `g:pear_tree_repeatable_expand` to 0...
Is there a way to cancel the automatic addition of an extra tab indentation when a block tag is closed? i mean, for a modifiable list of tags, instead of...
The color of imported modules in python is identical to the color of regular local variables. Also, the color for CONSTANTS is identical to the color of regular functions example...
Add auto doxygen doc functionality. There are many old plugins for this.
Add linting functionality into vim, and then add linters for python and cpp. might use: - ale: can be integrated with coc. - some coc extension.
vim-airline is currently used for prettier statusline and tabline. Even though it is easy to use and works well, it slows nvim startup. Find a better plugin for this Options:...
it could be used to configure some extra functionalities about packer.
should make some startup faster. might be useful someday.
Defx is the current file tree plugin. It works fine after heavy configurations, but it still aint perfect. Remaining issues: - tabedit from inside of defx opens the file in...