CyberFox Hax
CyberFox Hax
this is pretty embarrassing since it was me that butchered the old Scrape system. With the 5 redundant systems this surely should NOT happen. FaithLV published a new version at...
The blank field will just use a built-in API key. There is no function to verify if an API key is valid or not. Failing APIs will silently be moved...
I got some info after testing. It appears 3 of our providers is failing. I will have investigate each. Meanwhile MobyGames and TheGamesDbHtml seems to work fine. Try moving moving...
i'll have all API's up and running at the end of this week. Then i'll leave the PR to Faith. @ayoits0913 about the Wikipedia thing, it could work. but we...
Well i searched around, just to be sure and well. There is no code interacting with the libs directory whatsoever. Leaving something fishy that's going on with your system. My...
403 on this address. It seems the entire website is broken dead. I found a section in their FAQ in case the server is down:
i second this. Seems kinda pointless to have a wallpaper when all windows are tiled/maximized. Perhaps clicking the + icon opening the launcher, on and off. Configurable of course.
install node.js restart vscode that reveals another error though "小程序预览失败,请稍后再试, 错误原因: Error: command 'vscode.previewHtml' not found" and the issue remains unresolved. I installed VSCode 1.6.1 and it ran fine.
"vscode.previewHtml" has been deprecated it's replaced with the Webview API i will fork and pull if i find a solution.