Sun Xiaoran

Results 17 comments of Sun Xiaoran

Sorry for taking so long to reply. As far as I know, CSS Houdini is still in draft form and only Blink supports the relevant features. But as we can...

As a side note, I found that almost all user-defined at-rules in the CSS standard support the `` identifier, such as `@keyframes` and `@counter-style`, which leads to a number of...

原理部分分析的很棒,不过还是觉得把 Vue 的设计固定地归类到某一个设计模式其实意义不大。 我不是很确定文中说的 Event Channel 具体如何界定。举个栗子,通常大家会认为 DOM Event 是发布订阅模式,Observer API 是观察者模式。但是例如 IntersectionObserver 其实也有浏览器承担了计算交集的工作,那是不是也能算是发布订阅模式呢?或者看 ES2015 中废弃的 `Object.observe` 提案,也同样会触发多种类型的 mutation,这也不能说就算是发布订阅了吧 :trollface: 感觉设计模式本来就是针对概念进行归类的,发布订阅是面向消息的,强调的是对事件的响应;观察者模式是面向对象的,强调依赖关系。从这个角度说 Vue 是毋庸置疑的观察者模式,但是如果把响应式设计看做是对事件的响应呢?说成是发布订阅模式也没有太大问题。所以关于总结的最后一点还是深表认同的😆

Thanks very much for your appreciation. This app is built on Electron, which is perfectly compatible with linux platform. It will be much better if you would like to clone...

Thanks for advice. It's what i am thinking about. I'm finding the best way to control the textarea's height automatically, or another good way to organize multiline description. I'll do...

[1.6.0]( is comming now and this feature has been implemented. You can press `shift+enter` when the cursor is focused on the input to expand the note panel, though it support...

> ### npm install > ``` > $ npm install > npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: See > > > [email protected] postinstall > > node post-install.js > > > added...

> 我将`commas-0.26.0/src/renderer/app.ts`中的`'./components/App.vue'`替换为`'./components/app.vue'` 报错信息没有了,可以编译成功。 我分别使用`node v14.21.3 (npm v6.14.18)`、`node v16.20.1 (npm v8.19.4)`、`node v18.17.0 (npm v9.6.7)`打包,但最后都报另外一个错误: > > ``` > $ ./release/Commas-linux-x64/Commas > TypeError: import_electron11.systemPreferences.getAccentColor is not a function > at ReactiveEffect.fn (/home/zxp-endeavouros/.cache/paru/clone/tmp/commas-0.26.0/release/Commas-linux-x64/resources/app.asar/dist/main/index.js:1617:59)...

It appears that the `*.node` native module generated by macOS does not work in Linux, even though it is generated for the Electron runtime. I'll look into this.

> 我在ArchLinux的AUR上又创建了另外一个包: (需要自己手动编译的) 这次是编译成功,也能够运行。但是运行之后,点击任意按钮或者什么都不点,不到5秒钟界面就卡死了,然后变成透明界面了,就只剩下一个标题栏。通过终端运行,日志显示如下: > > ``` > $ commas > [134691:0914/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get: object_path= /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: 无此接口“org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser” > [134691:0914/] Failed to read portal version property...