Cüneyt Çarıkçi

Results 5 issues of Cüneyt Çarıkçi

``` 11-05 11:08:46.154 18450-18450/fightcountdown.netvent.com.countdown E/android-crop: Error cropping image: Image failed to decode using JPEG decoder 11-05 11:08:46.154 18450-18450/fightcountdown.netvent.com.countdown E/android-crop: java.io.IOException: Image failed to decode using JPEG decoder 11-05 11:08:46.154 18450-18450/fightcountdown.netvent.com.countdown...


Hi, I am using the BeforeAfter image in my project. I came across a bug. It is reproducible. The after image stretched on my test phone. My phone is: Samsung...