
Results 10 issues of CustosClarus

I'm on telnet server and using runas I'm interacting with the admin shell (cmd.exe) with this command ` C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /user:ACCESS\Administrator /savecred "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c echo shellcode = WScript.Arguments.Item(0):strXML = ^"^^" ^&...

**Describe the bug** I have been trying very hard to make the met_inject module work, but it seems to be stuck half-way **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: ```...

In effort to compile the 32 bit version of this awesome tool. I made some changes as shown below:- ![Image 1]( ![Image 2]( ![Image 3]( Originally when I compile making...

I have installed all the perl dependencies , but when I try on shell > pixload-* e.g bmp etc, the shell don't recognize any of such command, perhaps I need...

Hello, I'm trying to filter "zap" to scan in-scope (target) site but instead it seems to scan all other links e.g twitter, Instagram and I try to change this...

I'm using BDD-security - selenium version 3.12.0 - Java version version 1.8.0_265 - Chrome version (default provided under src/test/resources/drivers/) location - O/S ubuntu 18.0.4 Error FAILED java.lang.RuntimeException: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Timed out...

I'm working to upgrade to latest kali build but it seems the upgrade is breaking due to 3rd party modules used by DKMS( I believe). Here is output of upgrade....

I'm on `Kali 6.6.9-1kali1` and using ffuf `Fuzz Faster U Fool - v2.1.0-dev` My command `ffuf -request pasta.txt -request-proto https -mode clusterbomb -w 10k-most-common.txt -w finalnames.txt:FUZZUSER -fc 401 -debug-log errors6.txt`...

There are bunch of error when I try run this, please assist me, I'm admin on the machine Invoke-Inveigh -ConsoleOutput Medium -ConsoleUnique N -NBNS Y -mDNS Y -FileOutput Y -FileOutputDirectory...