Jani Mäkelä
Jani Mäkelä
My emacs is always starting in floating mode, even after I added `bspc rule -a emacs state=tiled`. I have to set it to tiled with a hotkey after it has...
Actually it had to be `bspc rule -a Emacs state=tiled`, now it always starts as tiled. @mrlinuxfish I wonder if it's the same for you.
I have the same issue but my scss files are not in a folder called assets
I was able to resolve my issues by doing `git clean -fdx` and rebuilding everything from scratch. Not sure what the actual root cause was.
I had the same problems and the solutions linked worked. Also if it seemingly stops midway to: `Not unmounting /mnt/stateful_partition/crouton/chroots/arch as another instance is using it.` Entering the chroot and...
@Duxon I got mine working after that and gave up when a fix for a bug that kept killing my xorg thats fixed in crouton wasn't in groach yet 😅...