Rachala Ovin
Rachala Ovin
Had the same issue where it would not update at certain times, usually downloading the apk from github and "updating" it from the package installer makes the next version work...
Indeed, however the chip at least according to my understanding doesn't contain vertical padding. Max height is 32dp, with centering on the vertical axis and horizontal padding of 16dp each...
Hmm, I'm not sure how inner padding could help with a row layout. Though, is there way to replicate a material 3 compliant chip? Constraining the height makes the text...
I see, but I think there should be a way to handle these specific http codes, since the spec for [401](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7235.html#status.401) and [403](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#status.403) suggests that: > The client SHOULD NOT...
Those are reference videos from the material design team, @Black-StellarSpectrum > See reference videos from the Material Design team (very similar to Harmonoid's current state):
Yep, repoducible on Intel HD 4000 with an unrelated flickering issue. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/69104500/218236528-8be7907c-06dc-49ea-8ce8-9b74c9ff740e.mp4 Edit: The flickering issue persists even without the custom titlebar.