**What version of this package are you using?** 2.5.3 **What operating system, Node.js, and npm version?** Windows, Node 20, pnpm **What happened?** I have an app with the two locales...
Hi, I'd like to request the possibility to explicitly work with milliseconds during the various operations this library offers. The uppercase S is a common template token for parsing and...
## Summary I tested the React Compiler by starting with the Vite React TS Template, updating to React 19 and adding the compiler plugin as described in the docs. With...
Add a feature to automatically import (custom domain) aliases from services like AnonAddy or SimpleLogin. AnonAddy API: SimpleLogin API:
The web version should have a landing page with info about the app instead of throwing the visitor right into the login view.
When there is cached data, it should be displayed even the device is currently offline. Cached data should not be wiped when offline.
Provide additional options during login, like manully specifying account ID and zone IDs, to reduce the required token permissions if the user chooses so.