
Results 46 comments of CuddleBear92

Updated OP with an edit about progress syncing and the issue with loosing saved progress.

Still down btw. Other apps is also having issues. A change in the code is prob needed as they needed to patch theirs aswell.

Thanks, copy pasted it into edge and it worked. hmmm why didn't i try that? wew was using the latest release v1.6.6 on Win10Pro and where using basic Chrome.

yeah..... i just got some removed content that isnt on g.e anymore and so on that i cant get metadata on...... damn those traps XD thanks for informing and so...

nhaa those are fine, i think they Roadmap has it right tho. - Improve gallery searching - Allow namespace & tag excluding i think those would fix the issues i...

importing from CR wouldnt really be needed in the first place tho. but if your program could read metadata in cbz files it would help quite a bit in the...

one thing i miss in your program ATM is a way to correct metadata downloads (that isnt found right away) like how the comicvine scrapper for CR works is if...

thank you for listening :D love you app and want to swap to it for good with my mangas as there is no metadata scrapper at all of those things...

aslong as its telling you its fine. thats the most important part. will have to use the program more for other input tho. but when i get some i will...

a few things that bothers me a bit with the program ATM. one the popup window we get when the program fails to find the series without help you get...