Hello ! I have a question : I've looked through the doc, and I don't see if there is a way of getting all the names of a `feed group`....
**Describe the bug** When i am in airplane mode and try to load the FlatFeedCore, it stays in loading mode instead of going into the error builder function. **What version...
**History check** Please confirm that you've checked issues history and you didn't find anything which may solve your issue. ✅ **Describe the bug** ' BetterPlayerConfiguration' 's fit property does not...
Hey, Thanks for this package, it helps us a lot with modals & bottom sheets on our projects. I noticed what I believe is a bug when using a `CupertinoScaffold`...
### Description Hello! I have a problem with some opacity that doesn't render well on iOS when using Impeller for the main Rive animation of my app. See the following...
Add support for skipping tests instead of failing them based on the enforced target platform defined in the `AdaptiveTestConfiguration` class. ```dart Future testExecutable(FutureOr Function() testMain) async { TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); AdaptiveTestConfiguration.instance ..setSkippedTestPlatform(TargetPlatform.macOS)...
**Describe the bug** The class `PaymentResult` and all its implementation are not comparable. In Flutter, classes must extend [Equatable](https://pub.dev/packages/equatable) to be able to compare object between them. Not doing so...
Add parent directory to be able to have variant of some icons
# Bug report - [x] I confirm this is a bug with Supabase, not with my own application. - [x] I confirm I have searched the [Docs](https://docs.supabase.com), GitHub [Discussions](https://github.com/supabase/supabase/discussions), and...