Rene Kievits

Results 13 issues of Rene Kievits

## Environment - OS: Pop_OS! 22.04 - nody-greeter version: 1.4.1 ## Bug description When starting I'm greeted with a blinking cursor ## Steps to reproduce Install as described ## Expected...


Output of `awesome --version`: ``` awesome v4.3-1360-gc539e0e4 (Too long) • Compiled against Lua 5.3.6 (running with Lua 5.3) • API level: 4 • D-Bus support: yes • xcb-errors support: no...

good first issue

Output of `awesome --version`: ``` awesome v4.3-1360-gc539e0e4 (Too long) • Compiled against Lua 5.3.6 (running with Lua 5.3) • API level: 4 • D-Bus support: yes • xcb-errors support: no...

Output of `awesome --version`: ``` awesome v4.3-1360-gc539e0e4 (Too long) • Compiled against Lua 5.3.6 (running with Lua 5.3) • API level: 4 • D-Bus support: yes • xcb-errors support: no...

Output of `awesome --version`: `awesome v4.3-1284-g50b9b104 (Too long)` **How to reproduce the issue:** using either: ``` local mouse = mouse.current_widget --returns nil local mouse = mouse.current_wibox --returns nil ``` Basically...

Output of `awesome --version`: `awesome v4.3-1284-g50b9b104` **How to reproduce the issue:** Creating a custom titlebar and themeing: ``` beautiful.titlebar_maximized_button_normal ``` Will not be enought. Adding ``` beautiful.titlebar_maximized_button_active beautiful.titlebar_maximized_button_inactive ``` will...

The player I am using is [Spotify (Flatpak)]. It worked just fine until now without an updating possibly breaking stuff. The error translates to: Could not execute command: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: No...


Title. Installed it via `sudo curl | sudo bash -s` and no matter which package I try I get this message. `zap install firefox` for example doesnt work


I noticed that if i don't mark mutter as hold with apt it will be immediately updated which removes the modification. Is there a way to package this as an...

Currently if you want a border you do `border_width` which draws a full border. But it would actually be nice to be able to choose a single side similar to...