Results 9 comments of 陈鼫RWHTYFZ

After reading your code, I understand the general logic of the code, the final indentation is calculated based on the variable `indentexpr`. So if `indentexpr` is a function or has...

我这边也是正常的, 不过我遇到过不少类似情况, 可能是 `_`,`*` 被解析的时候识别成了 markdown 的倾斜语法, 一般来说可能可以通过 加一些空格解决, 你可以试试 `$\alpha_ t=f_ {\alpha}(x_ t)$` 这个应该和theme本身关系不大, 应该是markdown+mathjax解析的问题,其它theme也会遇到

可能不只需要出问题的`_` 加空格, 前面没出问题的`_`可能也需要后面加空格, 目前也没有优雅的办法, 有的时候比如多行公式`\\` 还需要写`\\\\`, 我就一般就多敲几个, 感觉还是markdown工具支持不太行吧 不知道你用的是哪个版本,看[新版本文档](https://theme-next.js.org/docs/third-party-services/math-equations.html) 是可以用katex, 也可以用mathjax , 我目前用的还是mathjax, 没有试过katex 文档里说 可能需要替换的 ```diff -$\epsilon_0$ +$\epsilon\_0$ -\begin{eqnarray*} +\begin{eqnarray\*} -\\ +\\\\ ``` 你可以试试加个`\` 转义呢?

Same issue, without selenium reproduced in docker ```bash docker run -it --rm ubuntu /bin/bash apt update apt install python3 python3-pip pip3 install online-judge-tools oj login https://codeforces.com/ ``` ``` [INFO] GET:...

I think codeforces must change some config in it's server. I tried `oj login https://codeforces.com/contest/1763/problem/A` just now( [2022-12-31 12:59:30](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20221231T125930&p1=466) )with the cookies.jar created in above(12-25), it works properly. It is...

# Prepare Download vue source code and install `yarn`, then run the command below ```bash yarn # install dep yarn dev # build dist/vue.js ``` # Node.js Only write your...

Check the `package.json` and you will see `"dev": "rollup ..."`, and just google the [rollup's document](https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#command-line-flags), it tells add `-m`, so run `yarn dev -m` instead.

`yarn dev:esm` works fine on my computer. ![2021-03-05 09-32-47 的屏幕截图](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24691835/110055062-394fd900-7d97-11eb-8eca-1faf4d3f7bd2.png)

Same ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24691835/208258066-d59c1495-b9ab-4025-9a7e-45e02b02ca0c.png)