Ivan Crnogorac
Ivan Crnogorac
And how we can set blur on some background, that is not an image (View, TouchableOpacity)?
@MrFreemind , great but how? Any example, except Image, will be very helpful.
@MrFreemind , thanks for help. On iOS it works fine, but on Android I cannot still set it right. I added ref to TouchableOpacity and passed it via state to...
As @SMJ93 mention his part of code works. Still those are missing parts: - instead of `import io.invertase.firebase.messaging.RNFirebaseMessagingService;` insert `import io.invertase.firebase.messaging.ReactNativeFirebaseMessagingService;` - Into AndroidManifets add: ``` ``` - Add `ic_notification`...
Is there any news regarding to this issue? :(
@keyblade95, you can bypass problem by removing absolute layout and setting negative margin on element which will be in front.
@keyblade95 , in your footer, remove `absolute` in style, and then add `marginTop: -50` for example. That will do the job. ``` {}} /> {}} /> ```