
Results 37 comments of CrendKing

I find [Cargo's document]( on dependency version policy good. Some other package managers also use a similar approach as this, such as [npm](

The "Building the family" section says > To build the fonts we must load sources/Inconsolata-vf.glyphs in Glyphs and do the following Since the script is unusable without Glyphs, is Mac...

Or even further, the full variable font for Ligconsolata?

According to my test, some applications (e.g. [ConEmu]( exclusively use usWin*, some (e.g. Visual Studio) exclusively use sTypo*. cmd.exe seems to use both in a weird way. Considering that the...

I tested [Kodi on Steam Link]( and it exhibits the same behavior, so I'm sure Steam Link's OS just disables it's internal sleep timer when there is a foreground app...

Or maybe instead of copy and move history of snapshot, do them on manifests with optional argument of manifest type. This way both snapshot and policy can be covered. The...

Thanks for clarification. If we can explain this (especially `exit()` at the moment) in doc that will help clear up the confusion.

Multi source could serve the same purpose. Thanks.

If I comment out the settings.json write at [main-ipc.ts line 367](, no reset happens. If I change the write mode to something non-destructible like `r+`, Alt+F4 wouldn't reset to empty...

I spent some time on this issue. It seems if I add `event.preventDefault()` before the `getAngularToShutDown();` in [`win.on('close')`](, the problem is solved. So I think the logic you intended was...