What is your miningInfo/submission url? Is it working if you connect to one of the pools out there?
Possible duplicate of #435
Good idea, nice feature. Suggestion: instead of `"type": "recursive"` a new field like `"recursive": true/false` would be better. That way you can write something like: ``` { "path" : "/media/plots",...
There is a script inside `resources`. Copy it inside your bin dir and run it. If you run the creepMiner binary directly, your OS (at least Linux) will only...
There is a inside the bin dir, have you tried running it? It loads the libs from the lib folder before starting the binary. What version were you using...
@nitr8 uses [frontail]( in the creepMiner docker container for this task:
Could someone please build it with debug symbols: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELWITHDEBINFO or -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG. DEBUG is slow, but shows exactly what went wrong when it crashed, while RELWITHDEBINFO is fast, but because of...
:smile: This should better be secured! Also: if the pool or wallet sends html code as a response for a request, the webinterface tries to parse it and executes javascript...
Oh you did nothing wrong, thanks for submitting it! This is exactly what the issue tracker is good for : )
Thank you everybody for reporting. The problem is file caching. Especially Windows is using an "intelligent" algorithm to pre-fetch parts of a file while reading it. Blago miner is using...