it working surely,but it can only working at foreground,i'm sad... `registerJob = () => { BackgroundJob.schedule({ jobKey: 'myJob', // 切换到后台时,安排作业 period: 1000, // 运行作业的频率,这个数字不准确 exact: true, allowWhileIdle: true, persist: true,...
The WechatMiniprogram.Wx don't includes key 'onAppRoute',but when I use wx,it surely has it and can be used. I extend the WechatMiniprogram.WX like this:
在之前的章节中,只有 fiberRootNode 在 mount 时 current !== null, current 指向了rootFiber,所以这里的 rootFiber 应为 fiberRootNode
作者大大你好,使用这个库,还需要对 微信OpenSDK 做额外配置吗