Hi, I've checked updating the st-link software to use only HARD reset by NRST, but I always see that the ST-LINK V2 clone dongle sends NRST pulse and then send...
Just tried the command st-flash --debug --connect-under-reset reset using a NUCLEO board, and the problem is always the same: a NRST reset is sent during some SWD command, so the...
And if I modify the st-flash to include, at the end several NRST resets, I can't see anything: only one NRST reset in the begin and nothing else. ``` 2022-08-05T14:00:39...
I have fixed the problem by connecting the VDD of the target MCU to a RaspberryPI GPIO: after the MCU has been programmed, I turn OFF the power supply, wait...
Hi, I've just tried SDM630 plugin using raspberry, python3.9, domoticz beta (last beta 14559), pyserial installed by apt-get and minimalmodbus installed using pip3 install -U minimalmodbus. The serial adapter is...
Hi, thanks for this great module: I've start using it to make a plugin for Domoticz, I also think that some more comments in the will help who,...
Thanks for the answer. In this hyundai_kia_connect_api I cannot find a call to the url /location : I've just checked the API from PierreLevres and found that, to get a...
> Which region? I assume EU? I don’t think location update is implemented for EU. That will be a quick fix if you can test it for me since I...
> #51 adds this calling method. Interested on feedback. Current approach automatically forces this location update if the odometer has changed on the cached vehicle call. Would you rather to...
Hi @cdnninja , I've checked the lib with your PR, and I've also added ``` def get_location(self, vehicle_id: str) -> bool: self.api.get_location(self.token, self.get_vehicle(vehicle_id)) ``` to so I can call...