Anyone know, where do the anchor box come from (size)? I am just curious
I use PitchShift wih min=-0.9 and max = 1.1, then it raise `No fast pitch-shift ratios could be computed for the given sample rate and transpose range.`. I dont face...
I am working with bilstm model in pytorch and I want to convert it to rknn in order to run in RK3588. Since rknn_2 havent support lstm yet. So I...
Do anyone try to re-train GCNv2? I try to train this model from scratch but I can't reproduce the result. I have a problem using straight-through estimator (which they mentioned...
**Required Info:** - Operating System: - Ubuntu 20.04 - Installation type: - From source - ROS Version - noetic-devel I just wanna ask there is any tuning guide for mapping...
Hi, I am currently developing my own SLAM system and I would like to compare it with other methods. However, I'm facing a challenge with ORB_SLAM3, as its results vary...
**Required Info:** - Operating System: - 20.04 - Installation type: - from source - ROS Version - ROS1 - Version or commit hash: - noetic-devel - Laser unit: - Lt-i2...