Results 31 comments of Lei Wang

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Demo has [this]( and [this](

FIrst, you need to find out how to do this using FFmpeg command line tools like [this]( Then, you can try using `FFmpegFrameFilter` like [this]( to pass in the same...

Confirmed this bug. You can use ffmpeg 3.2.1-1.3 with javacv 1.3 for the moment.

Try [this](

Try the latest version of JavaCV and ffmpeg, with 64-bit support, has this issue fixed already: ```gradle dependencies { ... def javacvVersion = '1.4.2' def ffmpegVersion = '4.0.1' compile(group: 'org.bytedeco',...

Try to use `AudioRecord#setPositionNotificationPeriod/setNotificationMarkerPosition` with `AudioRecord#setRecordPositionUpdateListener` to precisely record audio.

By the time you can "hit the resume button", all the heavy lifting initializing work should have been done. As you can see in the `resumeRecording` method, nothing should block....

You can make the preview TextureView fullscreen as long as you can find a supported preview size of the camera which has matching width-height ratio, otherwise the preview will be...

Not enough info, is there any error outputed in logcat?