Costa Gauci
Costa Gauci
I'm currently getting this error. I have used @killerchip suggestion which is returning with permission to WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE. Here is my script requesting access: ``` document.addEventListener('deviceready', e => { cordova.plugins.permissions.checkPermission(cordova.plugins.permissions.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, checkStatus...
I'm not if it makes a difference but the file uri is as follows `/data/user/0/com.widgetid.cordova/cache/videoTmp_71.mp4`.
I have also tried adding the following to my config.xml ``` ```
I've managed to resolve the problem for myself. I do not require cordova-plugin-android-permissions I just had to update the fileUri as follows: `fileUri: 'file://' + filePath,`
I too would also love to see video support when using getLibrary(). The ability of getting the video as a blob as shown using cordova.plugins.photoLibrary.getPhoto on the homepage would also...
Sure ``` $(document).ready(function() { $("#circle-homeowners-helped").Circlebar({ startValue: 0, maxValue: 60, size: "182px", fontSize: "42px", type: "progress", fontColor: "rgb(255, 255, 255)" }); new Circlebar({ element: "#circle-saved-monthly", startValue: 0, maxValue: 43, size: "182px",...