Covert Error (Covert)

Results 6 issues of Covert Error (Covert)

#### Description just a guide for what needs to be done to deploy a multi-database multi-domain on Laravel vapor #### Why this should be added well currently as far as...


I need the migration to be published since I'm using multi tenancy

**Describe the bug** I'm not sure whats going on since this error happens sometimes and not all the time. I use so I'm sure there is nothing really common...

Not sure what those are but it kept happening ``` Oct 10 10:20:00 DO-Droplet python3.6[1034]: [W 191010 10:20:00 iostream:1407] SSL Error on 20 ('', 39153): [SSL: HTTP_REQUEST] http request (_ssl.c:852)...

can't reproduce

I have the Yard Stick one and I'm looking for I guide on how to the firmware so what I did was rfcat --bootloader --force to varify I did rfcat_bootloader...

I tried to follow the instructions only difference being I used the CDNs and uppy doesn't show up in the console I'm getting this error any ideas I'm using this...