> Schaut mal hier. Ich habe da einen kleinen Adapter gebaut: Wollte ich gerade mal austesten aber finde den nicht unter den Adaptern. Wie bekomme ich den denn installiert?...
I've the same issue with a "new" Pebble 301PK. Although I use an newer one which connects fine the problem is that RockPool identify the new Pebble and want to...
Hi, I added a new short function in the definition for showDeposits which is working well for the moment. I have no playing experience with github so here is my...
Hello, nearly same code as for showDeposits which looks like is working for me. ` showWithdrawals() def showWithdrawals(self, currency, **args): """Query on Withdrawals.""" params = args avail_params = [ 'withdrawal_id',...
Hello, simply replacing False by True was working for me. So the fix should be easy, isn't it?