Jack Kalish
Jack Kalish
Hi, I'm trying to add some callback options, like so: ``` $scope.fpOptions = { afterSlideLoad: function( anchorLink, index, slideAnchor, slideIndex){ }}
need to add the std namespace here, otherwise it does not compile on Linux
Hi, the examples won't build for me on the latest version of Cinder 0.9.0
Hi, when I try to run the filters example, I'm getting the error: `dyld: Library not loaded: ./libfmodex.dylib Referenced from: /Volumes/HDD/OpenFrameworks/of_v0.9.0_osx_release/addons/ofxFX/example-filters/bin/example-filtersDebug.app/Contents/MacOS/example-filtersDebug Reason: image not found` What could this mean? I...
Hi I am developing on a Mac and would like to use your addOn for my project, but I'm not sure how to get the example code to run, as...
fix for code sample formatting sample - should be 4 tildes
Hi, just noticed that the code formatting on these two pages is broken: - https://openframeworks.cc/documentation/ofxOpenCv/ofxCvContourFinder/#show_blobs - https://openframeworks.cc/documentation/ofxOpenCv/ofxCvContourFinder/#show_nBlobs But, looking at the source files, I didn't see any issues, so not...
Hi, I noticed that some documentation pages automatically generate clickable links to certain classes. For example this page: https://openframeworks.cc/documentation/ofxOpenCv/ofxCvContourFinder/#show_findContours Includes a reference to [ofxCvGrayscaleImage](https://openframeworks.cc/documentation/ofxOpenCv/ofxCvGrayscaleImage) which automatically generates a link to...