Hello Really awesome board. Like Felipe above me I want to use this board with the OpenHD project. I'd like to suggest a version with an integrated DC/DC to have...
Hey Harlab Thank you for the fast reply and your suggestion of a custom OHD board. In my opinion your design is close to ideal for our use case as...
> We feel that it's much nicer to have a clean assembly of a drone with minimum zip-tied/velcroed/hotglued parts... --Yes you are right, it's much nicer > Question was related...
I want to give my 2 cents and vote for option 2. Because: 1. no tested pci WiFi cards available. And people will want to use their old cards. 2....
Here is a link to some grounstation builds:
They way to go here is to use a HDMI-CSI adapter instead of the hdmi-usb capture card. Most likely your capture card does not output h264.
It does work already with the official io board. Just add this to the config.txt "dtoverlay=dwc2,dr_mode=host"
Maybe it's worth to look at the EZWBC project where the rtl8811au is fully functional. So it's definitely a software issue.
> I can't find download link to EZWBC anywhere. > Try this one!AsxetpkeUJPLhKFloiBgSeLOqQf9bQ?e=GJOCJN
> Thanks. Will try this and post. However, RTL8811 doesn't feature in their list of featured adapters: > > > > > > > > I doubt it will...