I got the same problem (in Python 2.7+). The issue is that "/src/js/enties" should not start with a slash because os.path.join() acts weird when there is one part starting with...
I need it as well, I hope it's going to be merged. Good job @btruhand !
With `'react/jsx-closing-bracket-location': ['error', 'tag-aligned']` in eslintrc.js, this is accepted : ```jsx const test = Hello World; ``` This as well : ```jsx ``` It could be fixed with something like...
Yes, the rule `react/jsx-closing-tag-location` imposes the following syntax : ```jsx const test = ( Hello World ); ``` but I would rather have the possibility to do it without parens...
Yet it is implemented in the very similar rule `jsx-closing-bracket-location` : ```jsx // 'jsx-closing-bracket-location': [1, 'line-aligned'] var x = ; var x = function() { return Hello ; }; ```...
Got the same problem in Ubuntu 18. EDIT : to fix the issue, run `sudo dos2unix /usr/local/lib/node_modules/subdownloader/cli.js`
I tried using a hook without success : ```js let { gotScraping } = require('got-scraping'); gotScraping = gotScraping.extend({ hooks: { beforeRequest: [ options => { options.headers['myheader'] = options.headers['MyHeader']; delete options.headers['myheader'];...
Yes I am using datacenter and residential proxies. None of them work. I think Cloudflare reached a point where they now send JS challenge to every client which does not...
As I said previously, got-scraping is inefficient for my case ( Changing the UA will not fix anything as Cloudflare rely on JA3 signature (on this website anyway). I am...