So it would be awesome to enable the [Audible Dolby Atmos](https://help.audible.com/s/article/how-can-i-listen-to-spatial-audio-with-dolby-atmos-on-audible) option for downloading I'm not sure if something would need to be added to the api or even what...
while running `audible decrypt -ars` I get the following error and it stops. ```pytb debug: Audible-cli version: 0.2.4 β¦ Skip /β¦/Atomic_Habits_An_Easy__Proven_Way_to_Build_Good_Habits__Break_Bad_Ones-AAX_22_64.m4b: already exists β¦ size= 2kB time=-577014:32:22.77 bitrate=N/A speed=N/A Using...
So it looks like it skips the part where it's supposed to add the input file. > subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ffmpeg', '-v', 'quiet', '-stats', '-activation_bytes', '########', '-c', 'copy', '/dir/to/saved/file.m4b']' returned non-zero...
This fixes #207, may have gotten in with #171. No worries, guessing this doesn't get used much if I'm the only one that found it. _By the way this is...