
Results 6 issues of Santiago

I have a resized Image inserted into a Canvas object with CamanJs, I need some tip or idea about creating a zoom over my resized image using the mouse or...

Could it be posible to add an Async interface for IRecurringJob?

``` 1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Kapsch.Internationalization.Database.MVP, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ Restored C:\dev-net5\platform-mvp\culture\src\mvp\Kapsch.CultureManager.MVP\Kapsch.CultureManager.MVP.csproj (in 938 ms). 1>Using package name Kapsch.Internationalization.Database.MVP and version 1>Using SQL Server version Sql150 1>Adding...

help wanted

When I load a package that is installed with a prerelease version, the version object is null because does not allow prerelease. If I check te msdb.dbo.sysdac_instances database the installed...

good first issue

Please I need the latest version in Nuget, I know that I can build my package but I think it is better for the community to have the nuget repository...