Conal Tuohy
Conal Tuohy
**UV version:** ``` [email protected] ``` **I'm submitting a:** - [x] bug report - [ ] feature request => please use the [user stories repo]( - [ ] support request =>...
The text `Attribute "name" required on p:with-option` in this exception should say `Attribute "name" required on p:option`. This is an invalid `` in a step declaration, not a ``.
At the moment XProc-Z passes all these values to a `parameters` port of the main pipeline, but a more usable alternative would be to expose them as XProc system properties...
Many XProc-Z pipelines consist of nested conditional control structures containing subpipelines. If the subpipelines are written inline, and have their own conditional controls, then indenting can become excessive and overall...
Needs to allow the programmer to specify what metadata constitutes a cache key, and to test the validity, serve the cached content, or regenerate it.
The build process (i.e. in which you set up a PHP web application and use it to generate xsltforms.js etc. from components) is broken because it doesn't reflect the directory...
…'multipart-post' method. A simple typo in the XPath: `namespace-uri` instead of `namespace-uri()`. By the way I'm looking into adding support for the `form-data-post` method (and associated `multipart/form-data` serialization) as well.
I've recently upgraded to the latest version of XSLTForms (rev.638) and discovered that the output of the stylesheet does not use the XHTML namespace. By processing my XHTML + XForms...
- [ ] Split the inner classes of the servlet module into separate classes in packages of their own. - [ ] Modularise excessively long methods. - [ ] Create...