Victorien Elvinger

Results 21 comments of Victorien Elvinger

@[akvadrako]( > Even if the deps are listed as entrypoints, the import paths are not adjusted so they won't work. Could you clarify this?

@[akvadrako]( If you use relative imports and you compile all files at once, *esbuild* preserves the layout. Otherwise you can use the option [source-root]( to have more control on the...

> if you simply pass all files as entrypoints, then in the case of TS, for example, aliases will not work. You mean using [tsconfig's paths]( > Another problem is...

@weaintplastic Thanks for the suggestion :)

In my opinion `BREAKING CHANGE` should not be treated as a trailer. Git does not by default recognize a spaced key as a git trailer. Moreover `BREAKING CHANGE` sometimes spans...

I could rather favor something like: `[scope][!]: [ticket-ref]` ``` refactor(service): description (JIRA-1253) ``` This format (ticket in parens and after the description) seems widely used.

In my experience the 50 chars rule is hard to follow. The limit should not be strictly enforced. For instance commit titles of the Linux kernel are in average around...

> I think the 50 char issue is specifically for command line tools like git log. IDK if GitHub uses character count or width with css ellipsis. I could even...

Something like: ```res type rec t

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