Matthew Nickson

Results 132 comments of Matthew Nickson

When I save the friendly name, it can either be `""` or `null`. By using `""` it would prevent issues with this line but it would also show as...

@karelkryda I did consider that here: > Another way that this feature could be implemented is when a monitor is created, the url is copied into the name field either...

Ahh yes, of course. If I just implement a check to see if the URL and friendly name match when a user edits the monitor, I can then work out...

Anything I can do to help get this merged?

Well, I don't know why the checks are failing, the error indicates a line that I didn't even change. ``` ✓ 77 modules transformed. [rollup-plugin-dynamic-import-variables] Unexpected token (294:8) file: /home/runner/work/uptime-kuma/uptime-kuma/src/pages/EditMonitor.vue:294:8...

Anything I can do to help get this merged?

Is there anything stopping this PR from being merged?

This seems like an issue with the notification service and not Uptime Kuma its self. Perhaps you might be better raising the issue with their support.