Frank Elsinga

Results 560 comments of Frank Elsinga

As reasoned above, we are going to track this in => closing as duplicate (despite this being the earlier issue ^^)

> Any plans for a release? See ⇒ The reason this was never released is that this feature was never finished ⇒ You could provide a PR by adding...

> Has this gotten anywhere? Until now, nobody has provided a PR

@AlivaTH Please refrain from posting `+1` / requests for updates things on issues, as this makes issue-management harder. Issues are for discussing **what needs to be done how by whom**....

@wzrdtales I don't think your assumption is entirely true. I assume Some people would like to not be as transparent with the public status of their system and would thus...

Is this one of the duplicates linked to

@mikolajek-fr We are consolidating duplicate issues a bit to make issue management easier. I think, we should track this issue in #1236 as there is no functional difference (maybe just...

Closing as `cachable-lookup` was dropped in v2.0 by

@gheydon We are consolidating duplicate issues a bit to make issue management eazier. I think, we should track this issue in as there is no functional difference (maybe just...