Yuriy Paramonv
Yuriy Paramonv
Hello i would like to create method what return the array for example int array. And also i would like to add more then one parameter to that array Can...
Окей я на первую проблему с мосивами ришения написал  primType ::= "int []"="i[" | "string []"="s[" | "double []"= "d[" |string=s | byte=by | bool=b | "System.DateTime"=dt | decimal=dc...
With those changes work like that 
Okay great I done it. 
  Here how i done it. I still work on it. But ZenSharp is great i fall in love with it
Now i want to made it work untill 5 variables and with ref out and params
Finally I done it support max 5 arguments modiffier of access and arrays ![Uploading image.png…]()
 Here how it look like
Here the source if someone is intresting 
Super simple