Jacky Wu

Results 19 issues of Jacky Wu

Currently, it's hard to do some overwrites to the awx client, for example, set some custom headers while do actual request. We should find a way to do such thing,...

For now, we only have tcp sync example, how about add [tcp retrans](https://github.com/iovisor/bcc/blob/master/tools/tcpretrans.py), [tcp state](https://github.com/iovisor/bcc/blob/master/tools/tcpstates.py) and [tcp drop](https://github.com/iovisor/bcc/blob/master/tools/tcpdrop.py) metrics? It will help us get a more clear tcp flow view.

As our document said, shipper support multi-cluster/multi-region natively, but I don't know what it means, like the following spec: ``` clusterRequirements: regions: - name: local ``` what's the process would...


Hi team, This PR is an alternative for #244 , we have been tried to use the #244 PR proposed configuration way, however, it didn't work well in my cluster....

As the PR title said, this PR is going to add a handler for container envs which has prefix with `COM_ALIYUN_META_ENVS_`, those envs will be processed, and the name which...

如题,比如我想把pod分配得到的IP作为elk录入日志记录的一个tag,目前是很难做到的,因为一般是我在启动容器之后才能知道拿到了哪个IP,log-pilot目前这块我看到是写死了一部分 [代码](https://github.com/AliyunContainerService/log-pilot/blob/af6da63aa35e3377c8e44dc951c4ea8ffe7c0bb5/pilot/pilot.go#L324) 。 能否支持像自定义配置那样,自定义把哪些env或者label作为采集到elk日志的tags的一部分?这样的话,比如pod ip我可以通过如下方式映射到env,然后再指定让log-pilot消费该env作为tag: ``` - name: MY_POD_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP ``` 谢谢!

##### Environment ``` Installation method: Deployment Kubernetes version: v1.15.3 Dashboard version: v1.10.1 Operating system: CentOS 7.1 Node.js version ('node --version' output): Go version ('go version' output): ``` ##### Steps to...


As the title said, shall we support timestamp level item, rather than date time level. Thanks!

Status: PR Welcome
Status: Proposal

Yes, we all know that a good demo would make our potential users learned what it is and how to use it. Just like [agones](https://github.com/googleforgames/agones) project has created some demo...


如图: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3972545/72337652-dff19a00-36fd-11ea-8d9c-f8b5e96625a0.png) 希望的效果是最后一个节点 node5 能够换到新的一行展示,然后连线到 node4。