Not sure about the vanilla start-up case, but here's how your module.ts should look once trying to add any extra highcharts modules. I think the error your getting is related...
Did you update your tsconfig.json file to include highcharts types? : ``` { "extends": "../tsconfig.json", "compilerOptions": { "outDir": "../out-tsc/app", "baseUrl": "./", "module": "es2015", "types": [ "highcharts" ] }, "exclude":...
A rather simple way of doing this is to create a button that simply duplicates the chart that you wish the other to sync to, and then modify chart.options.chart.type to...
That's a rabbit hole you do not want to go down for performance reasons. If your goal is to have the charts resize with the gridsterItem as the gridsterItem is...
Could you post the code you used to make that sample? Posting a stackblitz makes looking into these issues much easier.
This issue still exists in the latest version. Adding gridster-item-content does help, but if you highlight content with your cursor and then click and drag part of the gridster-item that...
So before you go any further, take a quick look at #245. I do not believe angular-gridster2 currently supports the ability to drag items on/off of it. That said, it...
Because of issue #245 the best you can do is allow for the user to drag a widget from your menu and drop it somewhere on the dashboard, then independent...
Thank you @NastyZ98! I will take a look at your repository, but sadly neither Tiberiuzuld or I have much time to do development on this at the moment. Hopefully we...
@viethien, angular-gridster2 now supports dragging widgets from outside the grid and dropping them into it. Check out the demo here: Pay attention to the `enableEmptyCellDrop`, `enableEmptyCellDrag`, and `emptyCellDropCallback` properties.