Collin Alpert

Results 29 comments of Collin Alpert

That was a good tip! I had another browser installed previously and it still had an entry in `~/.config/mimeapps.list`. It was blocking the name of my installed Firefox installation. It...

It seems this issue is back. I can open links from Telegram and other apps fine, but when doing so from Altus, I get an error in Firefox: "Firefox is...

Hi! I'm glad you enjoy the library. And thanks for chiming in. I can definitely add a generator for this. It could consider `public static readonly` fields in a partial...

This might also be a good time to drop .NET 5 support and move to .NET 6, since .NET 5 is EOL. Although, I don't even think you'd need a...

If you follow the detailed error message and install the necessary NuGet packages, it should work. I was facing the same problem and solved it by adding the following packages:...

I see the build is failing due to the fact that the `ImageSharp.Generators` project does not have a `net6.0` target. Where is this limitation coming from? SGs [must target netstandard2.0](

I see! I will try to multi target the SG later and see what happens. Should work fine.

That's fine, the generator will build and work correctly under .NET 6 as well. It just won't show up in IntelliSense, which doesn't matter for a CI build. This is...