RFont icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
RFont copied to clipboard

Simple-to-use single header modular font rendering library written in C.

c# RFont logo image

Simple single header modular font rendering library
The library is designed to be lightweight while also supporting the ablitiy to add your own rendering system.\

Build statuses

cplus workflow cplus workflow windows cplus workflow windows

Native supported rendering APIs

  • OpenGL Legacy
  • Modern OpenGL (opengl 3.3 +)
  • RGL (OPENGL version abstraction layer)


  • email : [email protected]
  • discord : ColleagueRiley
  • discord server : https://discord.gg/pXVNgVVbvh


For documentation read the RFont.h file and check out the example in ./example


- backup font system for when a character is not supported by the main font


A Terminal emulator created using RFont by Noxomix
RSGL (my GUI library)



RFont uses stb_truetype for working with fonts.

A modified version of stb_truetype is included in the RFont header.
But you can use an external copy by adding #define RFONT_EXTERNAL_STB to your code


Fontstash is another font rendering library with simular goals.

Fontash was used as a reference for some of this code.

However, this library is intended to have better perfromance and be more lightweight than fontstash.