Colin Sullivan

Results 66 comments of Colin Sullivan

Reusing the same connection is supported - we may have a bug here. I'm not sure why you'd be getting a timeout exception upon establishing a subscription. It is concerning...

@dorny, We'd appreciate it, it'd really help us out. If you have a full stack trace from the `NATSTimeoutException` and server logs from the time this happened might shed some...

Unfortunately your test code (ported to tests) doesn't seem reproduce the error, I'll revisit that to be sure. Here are my thoughts... STAN subscriptions are created by: 1) Creating an...

FYI, outside of xunit I was able to reproduce this with .NET core 3.1. When stepping through things work fine, so likely a timing/threading issue. I noticed .NET core framework...

Interesting find - if get the task and wait... success. ```csharp //await nc.RequestAsync("rpc.test", dummyMessage); var t = nc.RequestAsync("rpc.test", dummyMessage); t.Wait(); ``` And this fails... ```csharp var t = nc.RequestAsync("rpc.test", dummyMessage);...

I believe I've found the issue. It's a problem that's been resolved in the core NATS library. See: Building with current source and upgrading the core NATS client to...

@harold-toledo , we're finally getting to this. Adding a subscription error event handler is a good idea imo and should be investigated further. It'd have to be well documented that...

@wilstoff, when the server closes the client as a slow consumer, the client may not be able to detect that before it processes the socket close. Because NATS does not...

@ebekker , Thanks for the offer! Could you provide an small example with one of the event handlers so we can see what you are proposing without a significant time...