Colin Sullivan

Results 66 comments of Colin Sullivan

With load balanced queue subscribers, you'll need some way of coordinating the unique Ids which would mean sharing that information somehow (a data source) to do it perfectly - back...

Thank you for using NATS! ## StanConnectRequestException: stan: clientID already registered The error is originating at the server, and is likely caused by a client with the same ID not...

Thanks Ram. It's looking like there was a long period of time when the network was unavailable - the STAN client timed out on missing heartbeats and the NATS client...

Thank you for sharing this code. The reconnected event handler is for the lower level underlying NATS connection, and upon successful core NATS reconnection, you might still have a valid...

Ram, thank you for the information. I'm concerned about: ```text at System.IO.BufferedStream.EnsureCanSeek() at System.IO.BufferedStream.get_Position() at NATS.Client.Connection.publish(String subject, String reply, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 count, Boolean flushBuffer) at NATS.Client.Connection.Publish(String subject,...

I'll be creating a new release this week, but in the meantime you should be able to update the NATS.Client to 0.10.1 in your project. Using visual studio, I added...

@paul42 , thanks for raising this issue and looking into it - much appreciated. This does sound like a bug. We'll check this out.

I'm not aware of any specific issues - can you provide some test code that reproduces this? If you don't dispose, you should close the subscriber when you are finished...

I do like that pattern. Would you want to make a contribution?

@DeployChef , thank you for letting us know. You might be timing out on pings. Also, there's a newer feature in the NATS client I need to take advantage of...