## 新增报表统计页面 ### 工单相关统计 **接口定义:** - [x] 工单总数/今日新增:/v1/statistic/tasks/counts [get] @taolx0 - [ ] 工单平均审核时间:/v1/statistic/tasks/duration_of_waiting_for_audit [get] @taolx0 - [ ] 工单平均上线时间:/v1/statistic/tasks/duration_of_waiting_for_execution [get] @taolx0 - [ ] 审核通过率/上线成功率:/v1/statistic/tasks/pass_percent [get] @taolx0 - [...
**Describe** 现状:删除完看到删除数据源还在,需要手动刷新才消失 **Suggestion** 点完删除后自动刷新一下页面 **Why**
## Is your feature request related to a problem? no ## Describe the solution you'd like add the following config to nomad.hcl ``` telemetry { collection_interval = "1s" prometheus_metrics =...
## Is your feature request related to a problem? no ## Describe the solution you'd like add the following content to nomad.hcl ``` telemetry { collection_interval = "1s" prometheus_metrics =...
## Description store procedure isn't ignored when ExpandSyntaxSupport=false 'mysql' schema should not be replicate when ExpandSyntaxSupport=true ## Steps to reproduce the issue 1. 2. 3. ## Describe the results you...
## Description ## Steps to reproduce the issue 1. create a job named demo1 2. delete the job after full-copy finished, "curl -XDELETE x.x.x.x:4646/v1/job/dtle-demo1?purge=true" 3. create another job using the...
## 实现方案 ### 创建工单页面 **新增接口** | 接口名 | Method|作用|进度| | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | |/v1/instances/connections|post|批量测试数据库连接 @taolx0 |完成| |/v1/task_groups|post|创建审核任务组 @taolx0 |完成| |/v1/task_groups/audit|post|审核任务组 @taolx0 |完成| **升级接口** | 接口名...
填写用户邮箱  编辑用户,把邮箱删除后提交  邮箱仍然存在 
#632 **复现环境:** 1 有如下多个规则模板  2 启用mysql所有审核规则 3 sqle元数据库所用的mysql为8.0 4 刷新规则模板页面,大约需要等待3秒 **排查:** 打开mysql慢日志,看到如下慢日志,这条慢SQL是查询规则模板的SQL ``` # Time: 2022-09-02T03:15:19.208887Z # User@Host: root[root] @ [] Id: 103 # Query_time: 3.621495 Lock_time: 0.000079 Rows_sent:...