Fabrizio Colonna

Results 16 issues of Fabrizio Colonna

#### Description Upgrade figlet4s to use cats-effects 3 and release it as a new minor release


## Description Figlet4s is a "battery included" library and it already ships with many internal fonts but many more are freely available online. Top up the internal fonts shipped with...

good first issue

#### Description Upgrade Scalafix to the latest version for the supported Scala versions. When doing it the first time, I ran into several issues where the semanticdb is not loaded...

good first issue

#### Description Scala is clearly moving towards the next version and Figlet4s wants to be an up to date library. Do a spike for to investigate the effort required to...


#### Description Remove the manual managemnt of compiler flags and use sbt-tpolecat. This will also help in migrating to Scala 3


#### Description As a user of the figlet library I would like to use the `Validated` applicative to handle figlet errors or, at worse, add support for my own effect....

good first issue

#### Description As a user of the terminal I would like to use figlet4s not only as a Scala library but also from the command line. #### Implementation I would...

good first issue

#### Description As a user of the figlet4s library I would like to be able to use figlet control files `FLC` #### Implementation I have not tested much this feature...


## Description Using GitHub Actions, create an automated release system that: * Tests and build the library at every commit * Publishes it to the Sonatype snapshot repository when there...


#### Description As a user of the figlet4s library I would like to have support for justification, which is the ability to align my text left, center, or right. ####...
