Results 4 comments of Z

From some discussions on the huggingface discord, I'd like to continue the feature request here. My proposal would be to add a button to the image component similar to the...

Appears I'm also having unexpected argument error, but of a different arg: Command: ```python python convert.py --checkpoint_path="models/512-base-ema.ckpt" --dump_path="outputs/" --original_config_file="v2-inference.yaml" ``` Result: >│ 736 │ unet = UNet2DConditionModel(**unet_config) │ │ 737...

After expanding the macro I think I've found the issue: The emitted version of the macro (one example) ```rust #[allow(unused_mut)] impl bevy::reflect::GetTypeRegistration for NetSetwhere T:'static+Send+Sync+Eq+Copy+core::hash::Hash HashSet :bevy::reflect::Reflect,{ fn get_type_registration() ->...

Is their any remaining work I could contribute towards getting this PR merged? Cheers