The following should all work: ``` echo { 1: 'one' } echo [ 1, 2 ] echo ( 'saddsada' ) echo "the value is #{ value }" ```
something like `` or _something_, so that we at least don't exit with a type error.
I unfortunately do not have a Windows machine, so I'm not able to easily test this.
The following example will crash: ``` const x = [ 'a'] const y = [] echo x y->sort(fn(a, b) { return a->tostr('x') < b->tostr('x') }) y->sort(fn(a, b) { y->push(a) return...
Add `list.searchall` and `str.searchall` functions that return a list of all indices found with `search`.
When compiling a simple example (`ex1` but with one of the variables initialized using `mpf_from_string`), I get a linker error (undefined reference). After grepping through the source code, I also...