Results 44 issues of CodingNinja

```CSharp FileCache.AppCacheMode = FileCache.CacheMode.Dedicated; FileCache.AppCacheDirectory = DirectoryHelper.GetAppRootDirectory(".Caches/Thumbnails/"); ``` `AppCacheDirectory == "D:\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2022\\Projects\\XX\\XX\\bin\\Debug\\net6.0-windows\\.Caches\\Thumbnails\\"` `WinINet` mode work fine.

What I expect: ```CS await FFMpeg.ExecuteAsync(string cmd, IProgress progress = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default); ```

My code: ![微信截图_20220404163135]( Official docs: ![微信截图_20220404163236](

### Describe the bug NonClientAreaContent can not drag window. ### Steps to reproduce the bug 1. Create a simple `hc:Window` 2. Add `hc:Window.NonClientAreaContent` (content is `Menu`) 3. Try drag the...

I want to modify a docx file. I try code: ``` public static XWPFParagraph AppendCellParagraph(XWPFTableCell cell, string text, Color fg = default, Color bg = default) { var p =...

tooltip looks not so rounded corners, my OCD is off. I'm not sure if it's a good idea. ![屏幕截图 2022-06-23 114001](


like this: ![屏幕截图 2022-07-16 175532]( `ActiveRectangle` is best displayed below. ![屏幕截图 2022-07-16 180900](


**Describe the bug** AutoSuggestBox's popup will not follow and cannot be turned off with Esc/LostFocus **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1.`` 2. Type some text to open popup...


### Describe the bug hc:Window 最大化后,标题栏顶部 1px 高度无法被鼠标操作 > After hc:Window is maximized, the top 1px height of the title bar cannot be manipulated by the mouse. 这个问题和 MicaWPF 库的一个问题一模一样(MicaWPF...

### Describe the bug I create a `SplitButton`, At first I used `Click` event, but clicking on the dropdown button also triggers `Click` event, which is not what I want....