Hello, When i use misfortune_cookie exploit i get this error, help me please [*] Running module exploits/routers/multi/misfortune_cookie... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/root/routersploit/routersploit/", line 389, in command_run File...
Hi, I installed proxychains with tor and it works properly with curl or bash and anything else except Firefox it seems it just bypasses proxychians, I searched a lot but...
Hello, Fisrt of all thank you so much for your services and your nice program. If you just add a button to change and give a new identity of tor...
Hi, I installed proxychains with tor and it works properly with curl or bash and anything else except Firefox it seems it just bypasses proxychians, I search a lot but...
Hello, Since i installed trojanpannel my disk usage is rising, Is there any log files or somthing to clear ?